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No one wants to eat genetically engineered food.

No one wants to buy genetically engineered food.

When it’s labeled, genetically engineered food doesn’t sell very well.

When labeling of genetically engineered food is required in the U.S., food companies will stop using genetically engineered ingredients.

When labeling was required in 64 other countries, they stopped producing GMO food.

Food companies have nothing to gain by making food from genetically engineered crops.

Farmers have nothing to gain by growing genetically engineered crops.

image7We have everything to lose by eating it.

Farmers stop growing genetically engineered crops when food companies stop buying them.



Farmers grow conventional crops because they get a better price per bushel – and they don’t have to pay a ‘technology’ fee.

Farmers plant every spring.

When GMO labeling is required, GMO’s will disappear.



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